Part of being a Mastermind Connect member means giving back and working with community. Our members volunteer to support the Young Masterminds Initiative (“YMI”), a nonprofit organization that promotes mentorship, leadership and positive self-awareness for our future generation.  This initiative creates unique experiences that cultivate the lives of our young men, emulating the Mastermind Connect pillars of resources, reciprocity and respect.


Growing up in today’s generation means having to be mentally prepared for many of life's challenges. These challenges can show through prejudices, judgments, discrimination and/or social rejection, causing feelings of insecurity that lead to low confidence and/or self-esteem. Unfortunately, our society has maintained outdated morals and values, which are negatively impacting our youth. These limiting ideals can be seen displayed across the spectrum of today's media; it's restricted perception continues to promote egotistical views, which translate to unhealthy behaviors among our youth and society.


Covering core social skills, career/creative interests, current events, and mentoring, YMI’s programs are facilitated by MC members who seek to make a positive impact within their respective communities. This means engaging in structured, in-depth learning from professional men dedicated to their success, both personally and educationally, leaving a lifelong impression on participants, and instilling a deeper understanding about themselves, and the important role they play in their local community and the world.

Learn more about the Young Masterminds Initiative at