How To Start A Movement!

I've met a lot of AWESOME people in my life but every now and then you come across someone who leaves a lasting impression on you. I was introduced to entrepreneur and overall genius Derek Sivers. I met Derek through my buddy Dan Lack and he introduced us via email. I received a response inviting me to a dinner party at Derek's place in Union Square, NYC. I was told not to bring a single thing and everything would be taken care of. This guy is the poster child for being an entrepreneur as his energy and vibrance shined through right away. There were two other entrepreneurs in attendance and we spoke the whole night about ideas, the future and even more ideas.

Derek founded CD baby years ago an online portal that gives indie artist a CD distribution portal. Derek sold it for millions and cashed out before the CD market went belly up. The site is still up and running with a strong presence. Derek has since moved to Singapore and has already cemented himself as a real game changer. I really Love this TED TALK titled "How to Start a Movement" which has an interesting take on leadership. Take a look below and make sure to check out more of Derek's work.