4 Ways to Sell Like the Rock Star Entrepreneurs

Adapting an entrepreneurial mindset can transform your sales approach.

There’s more to entrepreneurship than just starting a business. The world’s best entrepreneurs have a powerful mindset that sets them apart from the rest. Whether you’re new at sales, or you’re a seasoned salesperson, there’s a lot you can learn about selling from today’s most successful entrepreneurs.

Adapting an entrepreneurial mindset can transform your sales approach, and help you crush your sales goals. You’ll notice an immediate uptick in your sales, while you close more deals at higher value points.

Here are four simple ways to start selling like the world’s best entrepreneurs:


1. Take risks with prospects.

Top entrepreneurs aren’t afraid to take risks. Don’t let fear of rejection or lost opportunity hold you back from taking risks that can pay off in the long run. Find the courage to say something provocative that will pull your prospects out of their comfort zones. Be willing to stretch budgets to test the limits of what your prospects are willing to invest in solving their greatest challenges. When you take the calculated risks common to great entrepreneurs, you’ll not only close more sales -- you’ll close bigger, more profitable sales.

Related: 7 Psychological Strategies for Mastering Sales Negotiations

2. Focus on making money.

The best entrepreneurs focus on one thing and one thing only -- growth. Likewise, successful salespeople know to focus exclusively on making extremely profitable sales. Harness your entrepreneurial spirit by dedicating all your time and energy to those activities that will make you more money. Instead of getting bogged down in daily minutia, learn to delegate tasks that don’t generate big revenues.

3. Have your own plan for success.

Successful entrepreneurs are strategic. Without a clear, strong strategy for success, startups would falter and fail within a few months’ time. The same is true for sales. Unfortunately, the vast majority of salespeople aren’t strategic at all. They’re just doing what it takes to get by, day after day. Take a page from the entrepreneur’s handbook and create your own sales strategy for success. Sit down and determine exactly what you must accomplish over the next three, six, 12 and 18 months to reach your sales goals.

Related Book: 80/20 Sales and Marketing: The Definitive Guide to Working Less and Making More by Perry Marshall

4. Think of yourself as the owner.

Regardless of whether you own your company, this still applies to you. Entrepreneurs with their own businesses know there are only two options -- success or failure. As a result, they take full responsibility for doing what it takes to succeed. This is a key mindset shift for many salespeople, who see themselves as answering to their managers or other people in their companies. Break free from this detrimental approach to your job and take control of your own selling techniques. Instead of relying on your manager or someone else in your company for your own growth and success, take ownership over yourself, your sales results and your future.

Related: 5 Strategies for Entrepreneurs to Improve Sales

Do you think like a successful entrepreneur? If not, which keys did you find most helpful in altering your mindset? Share your thoughts in the comments below -- and then check out this free 1-Minute Sales Personality Quiz to see where you currently stand.