The EleMENtal Project: Achieving Balance Event Recap

On Saturday September 1st, 2018, Mastermind Connect presented The EleMENtal Project: Achieving Balance, held at Brooklyn's new wellness space HealHaus. The panel was well curated: the producers selected a group that consisted of two activists, one holistic legal mind, a community driven business leader, and two conscious wellness providers. Moderated by Mastermind Connect’s co-founder JD Weatherspoon to guide the conversation from the panelists while providing the audience a chance to express themselves in the town hall-style event. A balanced group having a progressive conversation in a space designed to inspire mental, spiritual and physical harmony.

It was three-hours of levity and learning.

Without design, though the panel was given a preparatory, all conversations lead back to the importance of self-defining regimen, believing in a robust approach, finding external advisement (when necessary) and shaking off archaic notions of mental health. A constant refrain, illustrated well by audience participant Lisa Velazquez of Lisa Talks Love, wellness is a community responsibility. It is this thinking, this processing that takes balance from merely individual goal-setting to community building.

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The EleMENtal Project: Achieving Balance, l to r: Tai Allen (Poet/Community organizer), Talib Jasir (Life Coach/Author), Charlie Vargas (Attorney/Professor), Yai Vargas (Founder of The Latinista), Pervis Taylor (Life Coach) & Adam Ortiz (Wellness professional).