A Moment in Connectivity: A Book Club Recap

Mastermind Book Club: A Moment In Connectivity

As I continue to explore, Mastermind Connect as a fellowship and as a new focus in my life. I am patient with the immaculacy true alignment holds. Intentionality, for me, is serious business. It is the foundation where a community of good character can be built on. Mastermind Connect has the makings to be such a community, as the parts are just as strong as the whole. I was fortunate to experience one of those parts recently in the form of the Mastermind Connect book club.

As a novice to the book club format, I was intrigued by the fact that those in it were not all reading the exact same book, currently. Instead, this iteration of the book club convenes to discuss individual readings, the “why” behind the choice of book, and what we are individually learning from our chosen piece of literature.

As we shared, discussed and fellowshipped, I could see the breadth and depth of each brother who sat with us. It was individual power served up as collective food. What I found most intriguing about the experience was the connectivity of it all. While we were all reading very different books for very different purposes, we were all seeking out something new.

Instead of reading for the purpose of building on current wisdom, we all just so happened to be in search of new paradigms.  This made our conversation heavy, yet light hearted enough to remain in a beautiful balance. Some topics required analysis and reframing while others flowed like water.

I am looking forward to our next meet up and the conversations that will arise from it.

Featured books/articles:

  1. Crucial conversations:Things to talk about when the stakes are High-Kerri Patterson

  2. Parting the waters-Taylor Branch

  3. The One Thing-Gary Keller

  4. Principles-Ray Daleo

  5. Der Judenstaat, The Jewish State, by Theodore Herzl. 1896. Herzl was the intellectual architect behind modern day Israel.

  6. http://www.mideastweb.org/jewishstate.pdf