Young Masterminds Event Re-cap

On May 20th,  2017, the Mastermind Connect, in conjunction with the Coalition for Hispanic Family Services, held a series of intensive workshops, fitness bootcamp, and panel discussions dubbed the Young Masterminds initiative. The event took place at the Juan Morel Campos Secondary School, in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.


The young men filed into the cafeteria not knowing exactly what to expect. Our members ran workshops spanning from “Body-Positive, Fitness and Nutrition, Knowing Your Rights, Branding Yourself,” and more. The goal was to introduce these young men to positive role models who were able to share their stories, knowledge and motivations, as well as listening to their questions, suggestions and concerns. 

The Mastermind Connect is composed of members that are doctors, lawyers, professional athletes, creative types, and more. Our members are expected to give to underserved communities or causes, by way of pulling resources and providing their time.

The Young Mastermind initiative is all about balance and making sure we engage young men right where they are. At the end of the day, our members devised an intense obstacle course, where the young men received some “tough love” from their coaches. The young men walked away fulfilled with smiles on their faces ,positivity in their hearts, and asking how soon they can do this again..

 We’re looking forward to the next Young Mastermind event and helping our young men grow to be great men.

What is the Young Mastermind program?

The Young Mastermind initiative is a program spearheaded by the Mastermind Connect men’s group. The group produces informative workshops, panel discussions and boot-camps for young men ages, 13-18, in inner city schools. The goal is to show teenage boys positive male role models and share information to help them grow.

All photos by Kolin Mendez Photography (MC member).